Monday, 28 May 2012

Lessons from Lilith: part 2

Lesson #6: You can totally teach an old dog new tricks. In the past three years, I have taught Lil sign language, a new grooming routine, and even a few tricks. 

Lesson #7: When someone loves you, trust them with all your heart and soul. When Lil started freaking out at the groomer's, I decided to learn how to clip her nails myself. I thought she'd freak out because of her recent unhappiness at the groomer's, but she just lays in my lap when I groom her. I can touch any paw I want, clip her nails, brush her tummy, whatever. It's so humbling to know that she trusts me that much. It's also inspiring that she has no doubts. Her trust is infinite, and that amazes me.  

Lesson #8: Forgive. I've tripped on her many times. I've startled her when getting ready for work in the morning. I even dropped a purse on her once. She has never held a grudge. Forgiveness is instant, and the past wrongs are never brought up again. Sure, she can't talk, but seriosuly, she never flinches when I stumble towards the bathroom in the morning, even if I've tripped on her before. She might remember the past, but she lives in the present.

Lesson #9: When someone is sad, don't be afraid of their emotions. Just sit with them and offer silent support. This is especially effective if you're super cute and cuddly.

Lesson #10: Love is all you really need. You don't need designer doggie clothes or imported kibble. You don't need a fancy car or a big house. All you really need to be happy is love. Give it, allow yourself to receive it, and be thankful for it. Lil went from living in a big house to living in a small apartment, and she's happy. She went from the prestige of the show ring to being doted upon by someone who works during the day. However, she's still happy because she's loved, and she knows it. Focus on what really matters.

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