Monday, 28 May 2012

I get by with a little help from my friends (and sometimes total strangers)

Lil had her cartrophen injection this weekend, but it takes a couple of days for it to kick in, so her gait was a bit discombobulated today. As usual, people were commenting on her. Now usually, when people make comments, it's something like "Look, Henry, there's a dog in a buggy" or "Aww, what a cute dog", but today, someone actually said to me "Your dog is limping" like I had somehow failed to notice. Some people dispense veterinary advice like they know what they're talking about, and this guy went on to tell me I shouldn't be making her walk on it, blah blah blah. In keeping with my "fight ignorance with education" motto, I told him that in reality, light exercise is beneficial for arthritis, and that she gets to ride in her stroller whenever she's tired. He looked baffled, but seemed to be processing the information with an open mind. My work there was done, so we kept walking.
I try really hard not to be bothered by comments that other people make, but it did irritate me that he had the audacity to insinuate that I was being cruel to Lil by "making" her walk. I guess any parent can commiserate with the unsolicited advice and judgment. However, my spirits were lifted about twenty feet further down the path. Two men were sitting on a bench as we walked past. One shouted "Ooooo, there's our favourite dog, Lilith, and she looks faaaaabulous!" and immediately jumped up to ask how she was doing and scratch her chin. They were with another person, and the other guy told her not to pat Lil on the top of her head, and explained to her that Lil is nearly 17, and has a touch of arthritis but can still walk quite a lot, like he had known her since she was a puppy. All the while, I kept thinking "When did we meet?" because Lil has quite the fan club, and I don't always remember them. It's so nice to receive some encouragement and yes, even praise, from time to time. Thank you, total strangers. I so appreciate you.

Lil enjoyed a relaxing stroll almost all the way home
P.S. I'm sorry if I don't remember you! My dog is very popular :-) 

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