Thursday 17 May 2012

Commemorating Your Pet

·      I’ve recently begun to think about how I will commemorate the girls when their time to cross the rainbow bridge comes. I’ve come across some options, and would like to share them with you. 

There are many pet crematoriums, but it’s an unregulated industry, and if you want to ensure your pet’s ashes (and only those of your pet) are returned to you, then you need to watch the CTV story about crematorium fraud and educate yourself to prevent such issues. 
Personally, I'm not big on keeping cremains, but I might wish to scatter them somewhere. There are gazillions of rules about where you can scatter ashes, so I'll have to do some further research on the topic.

As for me, I’ve decided that I’m going to take a gazillion pictures of Lil and Princess O while they're still alive, and maybe even a take a pawprint impression in clay. I would like a professional photographer to take some photos, but it’s super expensive, so I'm just going to use my trusty iphone and enjoy every day we have together.

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