Monday 7 May 2012

Carpet Conundrum

·          When I got home from work today, there was an unwanted donation on the carpet, courtesy of Lilith. Sigh. Like I said before, some days are crappy. That said, I wouldn't trade the carpet for hardwood, and here is why:

f   *Lil used to slip on the hardwood ALL THE TIME at our old place! It freaked me out, and was pretty dangerous for her.
Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

    * Even though I bought her a gazillion different kinds of traction socks, and even sewed extra grips on the top so that they would still protect her if they spun around on her paws, they came off, and she still slipped!
Booties weren't much more successful in preventing slippage
    * Lil loves to lie down on the carpet. I think she likes the softness of it, and the fact that the entire floor is covered with it means that she can be near me all the time, rather than being stuck on one of her beds.
Island of Refuge

    Yup, reminding myself of all those reasons helps after having had to scrub the carpet after work. Long live the carpet!

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