Friday 17 August 2012

Every sunrise offers a new opportunity

This morning wasn't terrible. I didn't spring out of bed ready to party, but I didn't want to die either. I had a snuggle with Ophelia, who is unfortunately still ripping out huge hunks of her fur out of stress and grief, and then went for a walk. It was nice to remember the places where Lilith and I liked to go. I walked near our old apartment, along the paths we used to love, and smiled at each memory tucked between the trees and shrubs. 

Yesterday, I made a memorial powerpoint presentation with all of my favourite photos and anecdotes of Lilith. I'll really enjoy looking at it over the next little while. 

I have a picnic to go to tonight, and it's also been doing me a world of good to do something social every day. Moping is ok for a little while, but it becomes habit forming after a while, and that's dangerous. 

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