I've been following the campaign to save Lennox the cross breed dog from execution by ignorant people who want him dead because he looks like a pit bull. It seems that they're going to kill him within hours, and I'm so angry I can barely contain myself. I want to fly to Ireland and slap the judge across the face. This dog was a beloved faily pet and an unofficial assistance dog to their disabled daughter, yet he was condemned because of his appearance. I can't even begin to describe the way that injustice upon injustice has been piled upon this poor dog's head. I'm sure you can google it if you really want to know. I just want to get the following off my chest:
Dear ignorant morons who sentenced an innocent animal to death,
You suck. You just plain suck. You suck in ways that I hope are magnified and sent right back to you karmically in such a way that you wish you were the ones who were about to die. I hope there's a hell so you can go there and suffer like Lennox did over the past two years when you kept him in disgusting conditions while he was kept apart from his family. I hope every dog you cross paths with for the rest of your life pees on your shoes. I hope you lose your hair due to stress, just like Lennox did because of what you put him through. I hope you see the ugliness of your own hearts reflected back to you through other people. You are a blight on the human race.
There, I feel much better now. Too soon, I too will grieve my dog, but at least I will have the comfort of knowing that I've been able to give her the best life possible for the duration of our time together. Lennox's family has had to live knowing that their precious pet was suffering, and to rub salt in the wound, they won't even get to say good-bye. To the family, my sincerest, most heartfelt condolences.
http://www.belfastcity.gov.uk/complaints/ I sent the ignoramuses responsible for this tragedy a complaint. It was slightly more civil than the rant above, but I think it got the point across.