Sunday, 17 June 2012

Sick Little Girl

Lilith has been throwing up since 5:15 this morning. I've been trying to comfort her and clean up after her at the same time. She's resting now, but I'm not sure if that means she's out of the woods. I'm going to call the vet as soon as they open to ask if her cartrophen injection yesterday could have anything to do with the situation. It's time for a professional opinion. 

At this age, whenever something like this happens, you find yourself wondering if this is the end, and it's so scary.  

A little later in the morning...
I called the vet, and he said that the cartrophen probably had nothing to do with it, thankfully. I hope it really is just a passing stomach irritation. I've got some brown rice in the rice cooker, and am going to see if she'll take it. Lil isn't like most dogs. She won't eat food off the sidewalk, she stops eating once she's full, and she won't eat if her tummy is upset. At her age, hunger strikes aren't ideal, but she knows her body best.

She hasn't thrown up for almost four hours. I hope the rest of the day is uneventful. She's having a good nap on her bed in the living room, and seems pretty wiped, but as long as I can hear her dainty little snoring, I'm calm about the situation. 
Still later...
She finally ate a little bit of rice mixed with some of her wet food. The rest of the day was indeed uneventful. I even managed to take a nap! Phew! I think the worst is over, but we'll skip our walk today, just because I don't think Lil has enough energy just yet. 

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