Sunday, 17 June 2012

Pet hospice

It seems that hospice care for pets is conducted largely at home, rather than in a specific place, as it would be for humans. Of course, there are exceptions, such as Angel's Gate, a pet hospice in New York currently being accused by PETA of massive neglect. I couldn't find much else online, but I'm sure they're out there. However, I'll be discussing home based hospice care, which seems like a strategy to make a pet's final days or weeks more comfortable. 

When your pet's illness can't be cured, and death is inevitable, the process can still be dignified and humane. Even with hospice care, I think it's still necessary to keep constantly reassessing the pet's quality of life because their suffering may increase to the point that euthanasia becomes necessary. I want my Lilith and Ophelia with me for as long as possible, but not if they're suffering. I know from trying to look after my mom when she first became ill that it's a huge commitment. Being employed full-time means that if Lil or Ophelia begin to require around the clock care, I will not be able to provide it. Hospice care isn't for everyone, but it seems like a really nice gift to give a pet, provided that the human isn't going down that route for their own benefit. 

The ASPCA website is a great resource for further reading: 

CB, one of my childhood dogs, in middle age. He lived to be almost 20!

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