Monday, 9 April 2012

Is that your final answer?

Someone asked me recently if I would ever adopt another senior animal. I gave it some thought, and the answer is...drumroll, please...yes, just not for a while. Adopting a senior pet takes a lot of courage because when you lose a pet, it's the emotional equivalent of having your fingernails ripped out, and you know that it's going to happen sooner as opposed to later. Not only is there the emotional factor to consider, but then there's the cost. Senior pets require frequent trips to the vet, medication, special equipment (such as strollers and ramps) etc. Take it from me: that can be really stress-inducing sometimes.

I've loved my experience with the girls, but my next pets will be younger. Life is good chez moi most of the time, but I have days where I'm emotionally exhausted, and I want to spend many years with a pet before having to face the challenges of aging again. Oh, and I want pet insurance next time around! That said, the bottom line remains that I would adopt a senior pet again. They have so much to offer, and are usually pretty relaxed little buddies. Lilith has brought so much joy into my life that I can't even describe it, but it's still a huge responsibility to care for a senior pet, and I want a reprieve for a while next time. 
Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog 
- Sydney Jeanne Seward
P.S. I should mention that I consider "senior" over the age of 12. I would take a 7 year old, no problem. 

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